BASE Jumper

I can still see you stood in the sunlight

Tending that garden your pride and joy

Soft to the touch hard to forget about

The day when I left you for good

Dazzled and dusted I climbed till I touched it

the Reach and the summit the world at my feet

I pulled on the guide rope jumped way beyond hope

The day when I left you for good


Buildings are tall but sway in the crosswind

Antennae they call they signal to me

Span the ravine from this to the next world

Earth grounds us all but don’t tether us down

Thoughts from the past love from the afterlife

I know this is cruel what I left behind

So hard to explain much less to justify

The day when I left you for good

I hope you don’t judge this is not about choices

No fatalist journey no angel rejoices

It was all that I am in this great big creation

The day when I left you for good


B.A.S.E. Jumper - Video


Inspired by an Australian BASE Jumper who tragically lost his life to the sport in 2010, this is his imagined letter from the grave. An acknowledgement of the loneliness of those left behind but ultimately a reassurance that this was a calling, a way of life, rather than a death wish. Despite the dark subject matter, the soundtrack is all kinds of music - Country AND Western - and sparkles with beautiful round acoustic bass tones under Beatles-esque guitar and obligatory pedal steel.
— Rezo